Saturday 21 November 2015

Map Reduce


'MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster.' - Wikipedia.
A MapReduce program is composed of a Map() method that performs filtering and sorting (such as sorting students by first name into queues, one queue for each name) and a Reduce() method that performs a summary operation (such as counting the number of students in each queue, yielding name frequencies). The "MapReduce System" orchestrates the processing by marshaling the distributed servers, running the various tasks in parallel, managing all communications and data transfers between the various parts of the system.
The term MapReduce actually refers to two separate and distinct tasks that Hadoop programs perform. The first is the map job, which takes a set of data and converts it into another set of data, where individual elements are broken down into tuples (key/value pairs). The reduce job takes the output from a map as input and combines those data tuples into a smaller set of tuples. As the sequence of the name MapReduce implies, the reduce job is always performed after the map job.HDFS is the distributed file system on which the Map Reduce program runs.A typical setup looks like:

How does Map Reduce work?
Consider a simple word count problem where we need to count the number of times a word occurs across many documents.Now typically a document corpus contains thousands or more number of documents which have to be scanned through.This task if performed via serial processing takes hours to run but with the parallel processing system of Hadoop using Map reduce,it runs in seconds.Let's see how:

The different documents are assigned to different clusters by the master node and key value pairs are generated.
So for the above example Key Value pairs are (Deer,1) , (Bear,1) ....(Bear,1).
Step 2:
The shuffle step will arrange all the key value pairs so that similar pairs are together.
Step 3:
The reduce step will finally count the total number of times a word occurs across all the documents from the shuffle step.
As another example consider the following scenario:
Assume you have five files, and each file contains two columns (a key and a value in Hadoop terms) that represent a city and the corresponding temperature recorded in that city for the various measurement days. In this example, city is the key and temperature is the value.
Toronto, 20
Whitby, 25
New York, 22
Rome, 32
Toronto, 4
Rome, 33
New York, 18
Out of all the data we have collected, we want to find the maximum temperature for each city across all of the data files (note that each file might have the same city represented multiple times). Using the MapReduce framework, we can break this down into five map tasks, where each mapper works on one of the five files and the mapper task goes through the data and returns the maximum temperature for each city. For example, the results produced from one mapper task for the data above would look like this:
(Toronto, 20) (Whitby, 25) (New York, 22) (Rome, 33)
Let’s assume the other four mapper tasks (working on the other four files not shown here) produced the following intermediate results:
(Toronto, 18) (Whitby, 27) (New York, 32) (Rome, 37)(Toronto, 32) (Whitby, 20) (New York, 33) (Rome, 38)(Toronto, 22) (Whitby, 19) (New York, 20) (Rome, 31)(Toronto, 31) (Whitby, 22) (New York, 19) (Rome, 30)
All five of these output streams would be fed into the reduce tasks, which combine the input results and output a single value for each city, producing a final result set as follows:
(Toronto, 32) (Whitby, 27) (New York, 33) (Rome, 38)
As an analogy, we can think of map and reduce tasks as the way a census was conducted in Roman times, where the census bureau would dispatch its people to each city in the empire. Each census taker in each city would be tasked to count the number of people in that city and then return their results to the capital city. There, the results from each city would be reduced to a single count (sum of all cities) to determine the overall population of the empire. This mapping of people to cities, in parallel, and then combining the results (reducing) is much more efficient than sending a single per¬son to count every person in the empire in a serial fashion.
Shown below is a typical Map Reduce Program:
Though the Map Reduce framework makes querying of humongous datasets easier,MapReduce tasks must be written as acyclic dataflow programs, i.e. a stateless mapper followed by a stateless reducer, that are executed by a batch job scheduler. This paradigm makes repeated querying of datasets difficult and imposes limitations that are felt in fields such as machine learning, where iterative algorithms that revisit a single working set multiple times are the norm

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